Professional Landowner Notification

Many electric utilities aim to provide improved customer service by communicating with members or their customers to notify them of scheduled pruning or other tree work. Programs range from simple door hangers to face-to-face contact with the landowner in order to gain permission to access property. ARBORMETRICS employs qualified personnel trained in customer relations and conflict resolution. Our proprietary training focuses on the following six key pillars of customer service:
Knowledge – Know the facts about the utility’s vegetation management program.
Experience – Personal experience puts things in perspective.
Communication – Explain how, why and where the work will be done. Be respectful.
Integrity – Be honest and straightforward. The credibility of the utility is at stake.
Appearance – Look professional. Be worthy of the customer’s confidence.
Attitude – None of the above matters without a positive attitude.
Knowledge | Experience | Communication

Our Mission To improve the effectiveness of vegetation management through safe, efficient planning, scheduling and reporting services.
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CA: 866.685.1880