Damage Assessment

ARBORMETRICS knows that when a storm emergency arises, our electric utility clients’ highest priority is to restore power for their customers quickly and safely. That’s where ARBORMETRICS’ storm damage assessment services come into play. Day or night, ARBORMETRICS can quickly deploy trained storm damage assessors to follow lines to identify circuit conditions and locations where special crews or equipment may be required to repair damage and restore power.
Let ArborMetrics’ professional staff help you restore power quickly and safely.
Hope you’ve made it home by now…just wanted to thank you and your group again for your help!!! Your group was very flexible and you were very open to stepping in and helping with all those tickets. Ya’ll definitely helped us speed up the restoration…those 911 tickets are brutal to go through and weed out what was still left out there to complete and what was trash…

Our Mission To improve the effectiveness of vegetation management through safe, efficient planning, scheduling and reporting services.
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